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What does Australia's recession mean for you?
Australia has officially entered a recession, but what does that actually mean for you and how can we best protect ourselves financially during this time?
The savings hacks SOTM-ers swear by
Yes we cringe at the word hack too. But, what we don’t cringe at, is discovering creative ways of saving a couple of bucks here and there, which in the long term, can propel our journey toward financial freedom.
the finance tips we wish we knew in high school
Are you in high school and want to get ahead financially?
herald Sun: Financial do’s and don’ts during a pandemic with She’s on the Money’s Victoria Devine
It’s difficult to stay buoyant in a time so shrouded with fear and uncertainty, especially for Victorians who are in the throes of a new six-week lockdown.
Bonus Blog: Money Diary
For the next couple of weeks we’ll be featuring some of our favourite money stories on our blog, so you can have a sneak peek at the spending of other queens and hear how they overcame their financial hurdles.
Quick hacks to help you avoid and abolish debt
Debt is a hard thing to tackle, but with the help of SOTM, we’ve have you debt free in no time.
Three foolproof steps to nailing money minimalism
Money minimalism is all about streamlining our finances and stripping away clutter and confusion to help us feel less anxious when thinking about money. It’s an approach to money that enables you to obtain full control, which in a world where so much is out of our control, is much appreciated.
Experiencing a divorce or break up? start here.
No matter how amicable your break up, untangling yourself from someone you’ve shared part of your life with – be that three years or thirty – is no easy task. That’s why we’ve created the ultimate guide to getting you through it.
Shopping mindfully really does matter
Fast fashion – it’s the damaging cycle of mass-producing the latest clothing trends for unbelievably cheap prices via unethical, unsustainable methods. It’s addictive, it’s everywhere and it’s time we re-examined our part in this toxic system.
How to stay calm about your finances amid the corona virus panic
This week the Australian Government deployed draconian measures to ensure social distancing is taken seriously across the nation to help halt the rapid spread of COVID-19, and plans to shield us from the devastating economic blow the contagion has caused were also announced.
The economic impact of COVID-19 in Australia
Anxiety is peaked across the globe right now, with coronavirus impacting our lives in unprecedented ways. While preserving public health and safety is our first priority, it’s important we address the concerning state of the economy and discuss how you can protect your own financial position.
A money expert reveals the mistakes most 20-somethings are making
Not all 20-somethings are great when it comes to money.Some get a little bit happy on Afterpay. Others prefer the kryptonite of UberEats. Then there’s espresso martinis and dresses from Kookai.
Don't avoid talking to your children about money
Talking about money is avoided in many households despite other taboos around sex and religion being more openly discussed. However, discussing money with children helps them learn.
The difference between being rich and being wealthy
Many people think that being rich and being wealthy are the same thing. However, there is a difference between the two, the rich have lots of money – but the wealthy don’t worry about money.
What can I claim at tax time?
It’s almost tax time, and if you’re anything like us you’re already planning what you’re going to do with your refund.
Afterpay the Smart Way
It’s a pretty perfect proposition if these items are things you can in fact afford, but if buy now, pay later is a way of getting something that you otherwise couldn’t afford then you’ve got it all wrong.
Investing 101
Investing is where you commit an amount of money or capital towards an asset or investment over a long period of time in order to make a profit. It means making smart decisions about your money and being in it consistently, for the long haul