Thinking about doing an apprenticeship or traineeship? Maybe you should!
us pointing out how many different ways there are to get to where you want to be (you got this!)
Did you know before she was a financial advisor, Victoria studied psychology AND when she was in school she wanted to be a surgeon? Kind of cool right?
Though we’re sure she would have made an excellent surgeon (the woman has great attention to detail - that’s all you need right?!), we’re pretty glad her path panned out as it did, because now she’s the big boss lady at She’s on the Money and she gets to make a real, tangible difference on millennials across the globe in a way she never dreamed was possible.
The point we’re trying to make is that sometimes what we think we’re going to be “when we grow up” doesn’t happen, and instead we become something else, something cooler, something more meaningful.
But finding that thing - our ‘calling’ if you will, is not easy.
It takes life experience, commitment and a whole lot of trying things out just to see what fits.
The kicker though, is that we’re all made to choose our paths at the end of high school - when we haven’t got that life experience yet - and it can be SO overwhelming. How can you know who you want to be when you’ve never really been out in the ‘real world’?
For many, there’s a real pressure to go to uni just for the sake of it or to make our parents happy, and while we are ALL for education and self betterment here at SOTM, uni isn’t the only way we can educate ourselves - there are short courses, internships, traineeships and of course, apprenticeships, which a lot of us tend to forget about.
The perk of apprenticeships beyond their hands on nature is that instead of paying for an education you get paid to receive an education (bit of a money win there friends), plus the majority of career paths have secure outcomes; in fact, if you have a scroll through the National Skills Shortage List, most careers require an Apprenticeship or Traineeship level of qualification.
But it’s not just school-leavers who could consider this option - maybe you had a rough year last year because of the pandemic and are in the job market or maybe you’re looking for a career change. No matter your situation, traineeships and apprenticeships are a really viable option
If you are interested in learning more about apprenticeships or traineeships to create a new future for yourself, then we’d strongly suggest having a look at The Australian Apprenticeships Pathways website, which is an Australia-wide information hub bursting with all you need to know about the options available to you.
Just head here to find out more!